What to expect!

Welcome to the 6 Tool Athlete System! Thank you so much for trusting me to help you become the strongest player you can become!

The fact that you purchased this course proves just how dedicated you are to improving your game, and you'll be the exact type of player who benefits the most from it.

So let's knock out a few questions:

  1. When will the 6 Tool Athlete be ready?
    1. It's fully released and ready to go!
  2. How does this work?
    1. Each lesson will be video recorded. Some of them are just me walking you through the concepts, and others will be split-screen recordings of me breaking down MLB clips to translate the material. This is the only reading you'll have to do! I promise. lol
  3. Can I share my login info with others?
    1. Listen, I obviously can't stop you from giving your password to a buddy or teammate, heck I've been using my college roommates' Netflix password for 10 years 😆, but I do ask you just be respectful of the work I put into this. I have filmed/recorded, edited, made every graphic, and scoured for every clip for 10 months to put this together. It's been a labor of love but a TON of work. At the end of the day, I want as many of you as possible to build these skills and help as many players as possible, so if that means this gets shared with someone who maybe can't afford it, then it's okay, but I'll make a deal with ya... if you give your login info to someone else, I ask you highly recommend it to others whenever you get a chance! Deal?!
  4. Can I work directly to you?
    1. YES... now you can. We now have group live zoom coaching sessions available with your age group of high school and college players! Now, if you have questions about the course not working for some reason or have customer service questions, please email [email protected]. But as far as direct mental skills coaching, check out the coaching options!!
  5. How long is the course?
    1. The total run time of the masterclass is around 4 hours (excluding Chapter 9 which will be an ongoing segment)! Wanted to make sure the value was there, but it was manageable to finish! 4 hours seemed like the sweet spot. Plus, I cut it up into bite-sized segments because I know you're busy!
  6. What's the deal with Chapter 9?
    1. The final chapter will be ongoing, and I'll release player breakdowns as I do them to keep the content coming. Let me know on social media what players you want to see!
  7. And this one isn't a question but more of a statement...
    1. If you're a middle school or high school player, and your parents bought you this without you knowing and are now forcing you to watch this... I get it. That sucks. I went through the same thing in those years and hated it. But I promise you... if you give this a shot and watch it all with an open mind, you will find it helpful and hopefully entertaining.

And that's all I got for you right now! Give me a follow on TikTok @richie.shaffer, Instagram @richieshaffer_, and Youtube @richie.shaffer for updates, or check your email! See ya soon!

Complete and Continue